Training Centre
Training Centre
The Government of India passed a law on Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 (Act No. 29 of 2005) that to work in Private Security Organizations, training is imperative. In the Gazette of the Government in Uttar Pradesh, the Private Security Agencies Set of Rules 2009 was implemented on 31 July 2009 and in Delhi, the Delhi Private Security Agencies Set of Rules was implemented in 2009. But the training centre of Masterguard Protective Services Pvt. Ltd. has been operational since 2007.
The training centre of the said security agency, located in ‘Rania, National Highway – 2 (N.H. -2), Kanpur (U.P)’is opened in the name of ‘Masterguard Protective Services Pvt. Ltd. Training Centre’. Prior to the operation of this training centre, there did not exist any such training centre which was equipped with all such modern equipments as this training centre has in entire Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand and National Capital Region (N.C.R.) The said organization anticipates to open soon such elite training centres in National Capital Region (N.C.R.) and Uttrakhand.
844 Fatter Roshnai, Rania (N.H-2), Ramabai Nagar (Uttar Pardesh).

According to Masterguard policy before deploying any of security services it is mandatory to undergo a challenging and comprehensive training course which is strictly based on PSARA, 2005.The training sessions are designed after years of research on the customer needs through in-depth discussions and learning from day to day lifestyle. The aim of these courses is to develop a sense of responsibility, loyalty and dedication among the trainees which enhances their security, managerial and supervisory skills. Masterguard has a clearly defined and documented training policy. Training is provided by competent, qualified training persons. Persons providing training for searching are aware of National Standards by PSARA, 2005. Training is provided in an environment suitable for the purpose. Training rooms are adequately equipped and conducive to effective learning. Prior to commencement of search duties, searchers are provided with induction training and basic job training. New employees who possess an appropriate qualification in a security discipline comparable with that issued by any paramilitary forces in India and who have appropriate industry experience are given an induction training instead of basic job training.
Conversion process involves a training program of 35 days duration. During this trainees are required to complete academic training (theory and physical training) of 20 days and industrial training (On Job Training) of 10 days. The curriculum of 20 days academic training has been designed to combine innovation with academic excellence. It offers trainees a diversified curriculum in specific areas and topics. A major focus is on learning through case studies, lectures, field training, P.T., Drill, workshops on fire fighting, personality development and industrial visit that would complement the classroom learning and enhance overall experience. A specific emphasis is therefore put on helping trainees to “learn how to learn”, i.e. motivating them to explore and discover new knowledge and practice thoughts to be useful for solving security problems and security operational issues.
The Government of India passed a law on Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 (Act No. 29 of 2005) that to work in Private Security Organizations, training is imperative. In the Gazette of the Government in Uttar Pradesh, the Private Security Agencies Set of Rules 2009 was implemented on 31 July 2009 and in Delhi, the Delhi Private Security Agencies Set of Rules was implemented in 2009. But the training centre of Masterguard Protective Services Pvt. Ltd. has been operational since 2007.
The training centre of the said security agency, located in ‘Rania, National Highway – 2 (N.H. -2), Kanpur (U.P)’is opened in the name of ‘Masterguard Protective Services Pvt. Ltd. Training Centre’. Prior to the operation of this training centre, there did not exist any such training centre which was equipped with all such modern equipments as this training centre has in entire Uttar Pradesh, Uttrakhand and National Capital Region (N.C.R.) The said organization anticipates to open soon such elite training centres in National Capital Region (N.C.R.) and Uttrakhand.
844 Fatter Roshnai, Rania (N.H-2), Ramabai Nagar (Uttar Pardesh).
Types of Training
- Induction training
- Basic fresher training
- OJT (On job training)
- Supervisory training
- Assignment-specific training
- Specialist training
- Takeovers
- Safety measures
- Emergency management
- First aid
- Communication skills
- Fire fighting & Drills
We train them TODAY,
We train them TOMORROW,
And we don’t STOP